Thursday, September 29, 2016

Gallman Party of 4

Hey! Michelle here-

There are so many other things I could be doing right now, but I figured since I haven’t written anything in what is probably over a year, I thought I would update on a few things!

The obvious –
We celebrated the birth of our second son, our rainbow baby, July 24th! After a heartbreaking miscarriage in September 2015, we became quickly pregnant in October 2015. I found a fantastic doctor who followed me all the way through my miscarriage until the delivery of Weston and I couldn’t be more thankful for her. She was a bit cold at the beginning (okay, maybe cold isn’t the right word, but she didn’t have that southern hospitality that I was used to having!) but by the end, we got to know each other very well. It was my goal to make her laugh at least one time during my appointments! So I know everyone is wondering about the labor and delivery in a foreign, middle-eastern country. It might shock you to hear that it was an absolutely amazing experience. I ended up going 5 days “overdue” and was going to be induced. Now this scared me because if you know me at all, you know I am very pro-natural and I didn’t want any medical interventions unless absolutely necessary. But alas I arrived at the hospital at 6am in no pain and a bit hesitant. I had written out my birthing plan, made arrangements for Braxton, and let my doula (birth coach) know the plan. When the nurse hooked me up to the monitor, I gave her my birth plan. She read through it with me and much to my surprise, she said the hospital already did everything I was requesting! (For those of you interested – delayed cord clamping, no IV unless necessary, no pain meds or even offered, no episiotomy, immediate skin to skin, etc). By 7am the doctor came in, checked me, and confirmed I was 0cm dilated and not in any labor. I stayed on the monitor for a bit and still, no contractions. They inserted some medication to put me into labor and I would get this medication every 6hrs as needed for 24hrs. The next 6hrs passed by, no pain, walking in the hallway, bouncing on the ball, joking with Zach, getting to know the nurses. I was checked again at 1pm and was 3cm dilated! Yay! I had progressed to 3cm with no pain! The doctor gave me my next dose of medication and H-E-L-L-O I began into active labor. I was in so. much. pain. I began swaying back and forth on the bed, couldn’t respond to any of my texts (haha) and really had to focus and breathe through each one. About 4pm I finally told my doula I needed her to come and help. About 4:30 I needed to move rooms (closer to the nursing station to be monitored) and slowly, contraction by contraction made my way down the hallway to the first room. The doctor wanted to check me. I thought to myself there is no way I can do this. There was no way I could lay on my back and let her check to see how dilated I was. Well, I had to. I was already an 8. Oh thank God. Just a few more cm to go before I can get this kid out! They put me back on the monitor and the contractions were shooting off the chart. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could handle it. Then I felt it. Ohhhh the pressure. I *had* to push. My body was pushing even without my effort. He was coming. And quick. I told them I needed to push, they prepared the room, called the doctor. All while I am breathing heavily through each one. I get prepared and the doctor comes to break my water, but no need because just then it broke all over her (Ha!) With a few pushes, he was out at 5:20pm. That quick. And thank God it was over. All of my wishes followed, amazing care and dedication by the doctor and staff. And a sweet 4kg baby curled up, skin to skin, in my arms. In love. An so, like that, we welcomed our sweet new member of the Gallman family – Weston Josiah Gallman <3 

I was brought up to the mother/baby floor where I was taken care of by some fantastic nurses. Visited by the dietary department, lactation department, pediatrician, OB, you name it. Awesome support. And the funniest part. Wait for it….. A “taxi” ride home, complimentary in a Rolls Royce. Yep. Rolls Royce. It was everything you would think. Braxton enjoyed pressing all of the buttons and talking with driver, as did I. What a job! Bringing new moms home in a Rolls Royce everyday! 

All of that to say. Thank God, I had an amazing birthing experience in the Middle East. One that I could have never imagined. (And also thank God, it’s over! Pregnancy is not my thing…)

The not so obvious –
The weather is *starting* to cool down. We’ve gone from 120F days down to 100F days. You’d be amazed at what a difference that is. I sat out on the balcony the other night with the breeze blowing and thinking, “wow, it feels soooo nice out here tonight! I wonder what the temp has dropped to..” I looked at my phone.. 105F. Haha. Yep. 105F at about 8pm. I enjoyed it. And confirmed to myself even more that we are going to freeze when we come back to visit in December. We wear scarves at 80F, I can’t imagine what 40F is going to feel like. Hello flannel…
We are coming to visit for Christmas! To say I can’t wait is an understatement. It’s been soooo long (14mo to be exact) since we have been in the states. We are counting down the days! A little tidbit to throw in… we do not plan to travel to see people this time. We have decided we will stay put in Calhoun and those that wish to visit can come to us. Summer 2015 was so hectic and busy. We really want to rest and enjoy our time this Christmas.

Braxton has started his second year at American International School. He is now in KG2 which is equivalent to our Kindergarten. He is doing great, although he regularly asks me to be homeschooled. I can’t help but feel so flattered that he thinks I’m smart enough to be responsible for teaching him all he needs to know! Ha! That being said, he continues to go to school each day! He has swimming once a week and is just doing great. I was so scared he would be that child as he doesn’t like getting *any* water on his face and *has* to use his armbands (which aren’t allowed). I picked him up from his first day of swimming, nervous to even ask him how it went. He ran up to me raving about how much fun he had and how he can’t wait for next week so he can go back! What!? He even put his eyes, nose, and mouth underwater. Yep. Amazed. I couldn’t believe it either.

I am still on my maternity leave and go back middle-Octoberish. I am excited to get back in my routine but am really loving these days at home with Weston. He just wants to cuddle all day. And by all day, I mean all day. Google and my breastfeeding support group assures me this is normal, but I’m hoping that when I go back to work it will help him be away from me a bit longer. Speaking of, it’s such a blessing. Since I work at a nursery, he will be joining me downstairs in the infant room. I will be able to run down and nurse him every couple of hours. We will see how it works! I’m happy that while we will have a bit of distance, he will be in the same place as me. I hope it turns out to be as convenient and nice as it sounds!

Zach started his 3rd school year teaching here. He has continued to stay in the same challenging school. This will, more than likely, be his last year teaching. We aren’t sure what the future holds – for occupation and location – but we are enjoying where we are for now. He has been preaching a bit at our local church body here in Abu Dhabi at Grace Church ( and has really felt the pressing on his heart to pursue it. So for now, he continues with his two “passions” of teaching and helping lead Grace Church.
So where to next?

Many of you know years ago (2009) we had it pressed upon our hearts to begin an orphanage. I have no idea when, or if, that will actually happen, but it’s somewhere on our radar.  So, join us in praying that God would speak to us and guide us for the next step. We now have 2 little ones to consider and think about as well. We do want the best for them, too. It may be that we stay and do ministry in Abu Dhabi somehow, it may be time for the orphanage somewhere on this globe, it may be back to Georgia with family, it may be back somewhere in the states, who knows! Now that we have lived abroad, we really enjoy it. Despite the heartache of not being with our families of course. It’s kind of like an itch that once it’s there, I’m not sure it will go away for quite some time. Time will tell…
I can’t think of anything else now to write about. It’s a quick update on all of us! We appreciate all of the prayers and support that everyone so generously gives!
Until next time (who knows when that will be! Ha!)


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