Sunday, July 23, 2017


Hello from the states!

The boys and I have been here now for just a few days shy of a month and what a busy month it has been!

Here’s a little bit about what has gone on…

We left Abu Dhabi just the 3 of us to travel across the world. Braxton was a champ and ended up watching his shows for the 14hr flight. At one point we took a walk down the aisles and up through business class where Braxton made it known out loud that it just was not fair that they got to lay down in a bed for the flight! Weston did really great too for the first leg of the trip. He was pretty overwhelmed with all of the people so my fear of him cruising the aisles and pulling people’s coffee cups off of their trays didn’t happen. Instead, he wanted me to hold him the whole time. Which was great, except we don’t call him Squishy for nothing. Holding 25lbs for 14 hours can be pretty rough on your back. By the end of the trip my body was pretty sore! What also didn’t help is that they did not give us our stroller for the layover in Chicago so I had to carry him on one hip and the diaper bag and large carryon tote on the other. And I was reminded we were no longer in Abu Dhabi when I had to wait in the slow line for security and didn’t get to get in a special “people with kids lane” and no help. Nonetheless, we made it through Chicago and boarded the 1.5hr flight to our home state! I also stood on that flight as well and Braxton was excited that he got to look out of the window on that flight – since there were no tvs on the smaller airplane. I appreciated all of your prayers for the extra seat on the long flight! In God’s sovereignty He chose to answer those prayers with a “no”… but I realized that I didn’t have a chance to sit down anyway so it would have been wasted. We were very excited to land in Chattanooga and Braxton ran as fast as a cheetah to hug the grandparents who were anxiously awaiting our arrival! Overall, it was a really good trip back into the states! And I’m so thankful we made it safely and no delays!

We have had a hard time with Weston and his ears since we arrived. He has been on pretty much constant antibiotics since we arrived – despite a few adjustments at the chiropractor to try that route as well. Hopefully once we get his insurance sorted out we can get him in for some tubes to help his ears drain.

Braxton finally has his long awaited library card! He has been reading a lot and loves spending time there. It’s such a great place! They even have blocks and stuff for Weston to do. Every week they also have a therapy dog that comes for the children to read to for them to practice their confidence I reading out loud – B has really enjoyed this! He also went to a Saturday Lego Day with his grandad! He has been fascinated with drinking water fountains and mail trucks!
Zach’s sister, Britt, delivered her baby the first full weekend we arrived. It was an amazing opportunity to be with her during labor and delivery. Sweet babies are so cuddly! But in case you’re wondering, I have no desire to have another ;)

We welcomed Zach back into the states this past week. Braxton had a fun time at the airport making friends with the police officer on his motorized scooter as they did a few races around the baggage claim! We were so glad to give him a big hug once he came through security. It was a long month without him. I missed him more than I can put into words… But it was very obvious how much both of the boys missed him. Zach had a great time traveling through Israel and Jordan but I think it’s safe to say he is happy to be back!

This past weekend we celebrated Weston’s first birthday! We are waiting until his actual birthday on the 24th to post pictures. It’s hard to believe he is already 1yr old! He is walking everywhere, talking a lot, loves his big brother, and has a very determined attitude!

Last weekend my parents and I went out to Dallas to prepare our apartment! We left early Friday morning, unloaded and the trailer and set up the apartment, and then left and drove back Sunday morning. We ended up making pretty good timing and had a great time stuck in the truck for 14hrs one way! We were really encouraged by a church that we have come in contact with who brought about 15 people to help us unload and arrange the apartment. It was amazing and so helpful. It helped us unload and arrange the entire apartment in about 2-2.5 hours. The apartment tower was very welcoming and had a few signs up welcoming “Zachary and Michelle home” which was really cool! I’m excited for Zach, Braxton, and Weston to arrive to their home already prepared for them. It was also awesome to see our friends Chris and Dana from Abu Dhabi who relocated to Dallas! A huge thank you to Mom and Dad and Metro Bible for helping and to Grandma and Grandad for watching both boys for 4 days!

Since Weston absolutely hates riding in the car for any amount of time, we have decided that him and I would fly out to Dallas and Zach and Braxton will have some alone time and drive out by themselves. We plan to leave this weekend. I thought I was done with airplanes and babies, but it appears I have another short stretch to do!

Back in Abu Dhabi I signed a contract to teach at Westwood School. It’s an IB Montessori school that is from 18mo-12th grade. Braxton will start with me in August and Weston will join us in January! It was such an answer to prayer. I go back August 7th and am excited to start this new journey! My new co teacher is from Egypt!

Stay tuned for pictures of Weston’s party and our apartment! And for more updates as we adjust to life in Dallas, Texas!

We miss you all in Abu Dhabi!


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

... Let The Next Chapter Begin

Isaiah 25:1 Oh Lord, you are my God. I will praise You. I will give thanks to Your name. For You have been faithful to do great things, plans that You made long ago.

I had a coffee chat a few days ago with a dear lady that has recently moved to Abu Dhabi and joined our church. I just love when God takes such a simple get together and turns in into a time of deep encouragement to those whom He loves.

Where will you go after Abu Dhabi? How long are you staying? Aren’t you ready to come back to America? How long will you continue to teach there?

These are all questions that we hear more often than not. And more often than not, our answers were vague. Because sometimes when you follow Christ, the future is a bit vague. We knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that He called our family to Abu Dhabi in September 2014… but for how long, who knew? We sure didn’t. What would come after Abu Dhabi? Would we just pack up and leave and return back to our 8-5 jobs in the states leaving behind all that we had learned and gained here in the UAE? Our time here has certainly had its ups and downs. But I can’t put into words the work that we have seen our God do in just the short few years that we have been here. It has been such a time of deep growth, encouragement, and strengthening of our faith.

At the beginning of this school year 2016-2017, Zach became pretty certain he was finished teaching when the year was over. But what would we do? We can’t stay in this country unless we have a visa to be here and you can only have that if you are employed. We love this country. We love the people. We have settled and this has become our home. We are in our routine of life and daily being encouraged by what the Lord is doing. But like every expat (non-native) who enters this country, we can’t stay here forever. Eventually you have to move on. No expat retires here. It’s not possible. It’s kind of a scary thought when your husband, who has only ever taught, comes to you to say he is finished teaching. Um. What? You can’t. You have to teach. It’s what you do. But no. The Lord confirmed to him, and eventually to me, that his teaching career is over. It’s time for something else. But what?

As most of you know we have become very involved in our local church body. By the grace of God, Zach has had the opportunity to preach a few times. And as humbly as I know how, all I can say is, “wow.” Whenever he is sharing what the Lord has prepared him to share, it’s so normal for him. It’s like second nature. I am so, so deeply encouraged as his wife to see this unfolding. To see that the Lord is preparing him to shepherd a church one day.

A few weekends ago, he preached a sermon on Habakkuk. Now, I have heard of this book of the Bible but I’m not sure I can say that I have actually ever read a word from this book of the Bible. After he preached, it was mindboggling how many ways the Lord confirmed his sermon. A dear friend had been reading Habakkuk earlier that week and had used one of the verses as her “life verse” recently. Another dear friend was, unfortunately, in a car accident and was able to use the sermon of Habakkuk and “cling to God” through this time. There are at least 4-5 more stories of these that have deeply encouraged us that it was indeed the Lord speaking through Zach during Friday morning.

So. Where to now? A certain individual had brought up Zach going to seminary quite a few times. But oh, we were certain that was not where God was leading us. We have such a heart for the Middle East. When we say we love living here, we love living here. We love the opportunities we have here for the Gospel. We love the relationships that have been built across different cultures. I could go on and on. But the point is, it was so clear when God brought us here, we were certain it wasn’t time to pack up and leave already. After a month or two of saying no to seminary, we realized we had not even spent time in prayer, asking the Lord if that was in His plan! Sometimes, we just think we know what God wants and we go with it, without ever even praying about it. So... we spent time in prayer and just like the peace we received about moving to Abu Dhabi, the same peace came over us both about seminary.

Off to seminary we go.

That’s right. God has confirmed that the next step for our family is for Zach to pursue seminary. It’s a huge step, no doubt about it. We will have to prepare just like we did when we came here… sell all of our belongings, get set back up when we arrive, etc. It will be no easy task as now we have an extra child to bring along! But we know God is faithful, and where He leads, we go.

Which seminary you may ask. That’s a good question. Zach has applied to both Dallas Theological Seminary and Bethlehem Seminary. DTS actually has a campus in Atlanta so it’s possible we may end up close to family. So for now, until we hear from admissions, we will head to Georgia, Texas, or Minnesota. After seminary? Who knows? Only God. We would love to return back to the Middle East, but we will seek the Lord when the times comes as to where He would send us. Maybe in the states, maybe to another continent. That piece is for the future and we are not concerned with that piece of the puzzle for now.

My coffee meeting. It was one of those where it was so encouraging that I left on such a spiritual high. We shared stories of how we were called to Abu Dhabi and how we have seen God’s faithfulness while we were here. As I retold our story of coming here, I was reminded so deeply of God’s providence and hand on our lives that it was certainly His plan. And the ways He provided? Wow. It gave me peace that He will continue to provide as we take this next step of faith, move back to the states at the end of the school year (July-ish), and follow His lead.

He is ever-faithful. Of this, I am certain.

How can you pray for us?

·         Full time, flexible job for me (Michelle) to be lined up before we leave

·         That our exit of the country goes smoothly… there’s a lot that has to be closed and in a certain order. It can get pretty frustrating.

·         The Lord would give us direction on which seminary to pursue

·         Finances would be met without going into debt (as we have been able to get 100% out of debt while we have been here)

·         That Braxton and Weston would settle well wherever we move

·         Faith and trust in Christ would be strengthened through this

Blessings everyone!


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